Fabric Duct has been around for over 30 years but has seen an surge in popularity over the last several years with increased awareness of its existence and its advantages over round metal duct on specific types of indoor low to medium pressure duct systems that have a relatively clean environment.

Most common applications for Fabric Ducting are Air Distribution systems in Warehouses, Gymnasiums, Aquatic Centers, Fitness Centers, Restaurants and any other jobs with predominantly straight runs without elevation changes and thus fewer offsets, elbows and other turns.
Because it’s a simple and fast installation at an economical price point, Fabric Duct is frequently seen in temporary or transitional building or in applications where the ductwork might be occasionally removed for cleaning and re-hanging.
Available in various thicknesses with 8 oz being standard, the Fabric is non porous, a 100% Fire Retardant material with a temperature range from zero degrees to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically installed with a single cable system that is included with the order; on diameters over 30” we quote with a double cable system.
Linear Slot hole openings run along the base of the duct but custom positioning is easily substituted. The 360 degree Ribs are a recommended option, the benefit being that the duct will keep its round shape even when the system isn’t moving air.
For quoting we can provide a quote from job drawings or simply just knowing the CFMs per Unit (or the CFMs per Run), plus the diameter of round duct and the footage of each individual run.