Hurricane Stands

Hurricane Aluminum Rooftop Equipment Stands

Hurricane Stands as seen installed on a Miami rooftop

Miami-Dade NOA#: 18-0828.09
Roof top units are typically set on the roof directly, however in hurricane zones, Florida Building Code requires all rooftop equipment and supports be elevated and secured to the structure.  Elevating roof top units allows air to pass around all sides of the unit—this means the unit can be more secure against wind gusts as air flows on all sides, and the operating temperature is kept low, keeping the unit cool.  The elevated units also make for easier repairs and cleaning.
*Stands must be mounted prior to completion of PVC roofing
Conklin Stocks Miami-Dade approved stands made in South Florida.

CrossBar Length

The standard legs have a range of 18″ – 27″ that can be opened to. Depending on the size of the unit that sits on this stands determine which one you have to install. Heavy Duty Legs can open from 24″ – 42″. Its important to ask the contractor the Size and Weight before selling them any of these.

In addition to determining the right stands for the application the contractor has to take into consideration on the max allowed overhang of the unit. The overhang is just a term to determine how far the unit is allowed to stick out and how much can the I-Beam stick out from the connection point to the legs.

Stand Height

Stand height are important as well Miami Dade Approved stands must be 18″ 24″ & 30″ in order to pass final inspection. There is also a break down on allowable unit height as well on Page 3 of the PDF attached below.

*Please refer to page 3 of the attached PDF below for anchor notes on what hardware needs to be used to secure the system

PDF: Miami Dade Notice of Acceptance