Square to Round Machine

Square to Round Machine—Namcor Striker HDX

How do you bend metal?

Larger Square to Round transitions such as this require many separate bends to produce

Bending the flat piece of metal so that the square cones into a round is usually done on a 10 ft Hand Brake—that’s a lot of effort!

Tennsmith Hand Brake

Save some effort and speed up production by Taking a Break from the Brake!

Namcor Striker HDX

Square To Round Transition

Safely fabricate quality-leading off-set and center-line square-to-rounds with ease, efficiency and ergonomically

If you’re looking for a prospective shop on the Namcor machine, look for these signs: two cheeks formed in this rounded way and a cheek that has lot’s of small bends that allow it to look like it’s increasing in diameter from top to bottom
Square to Round Transitions are often very large


Note: Some Namcor Striker videos show a non skid rubber mat or rubber footings. These do not come with the machine and are not offered as an option. Some shops have found that a 4 ft x 6 ft x 3/4” thick rubber mat works well in keeping the machine from moving during fabrication