Battery Powered Double Cut Shear

Battery Powered Double Cut Shear

What happens when you have a German company known around the world as the leader in laser technology that enters into the market of metal working Power Hand Tools?

You get a product that has been researched extensively and tested to the highest standards. Though the Trumpf name is known for manufacturing CO2 and Fiber Lasers to near perfection, the name is also being recognized throughout the duct fabrication and sheet metal working industries.

Trumpf designed their C Series Slitting Shears to be ergonomically designed, a soft grip, low vibration, compact, light and with an eye level view of the work piece.

Trumpf TruTool C 160 with Chip Clipper (cordless)

Trumpf TruTool C-160 cordless 10.8V with Chip Clipper

Maneuverable battery-powered slitting shears with long battery life and chip clipper for two-handed operation. Ideal for interior cutouts and notches.

Value of the Chip Clipper on Trumpf’s C160 Double Cut Hand Shear. Note: For chip clipper to work nibbler has to be on

You can cut up to 230 feet with the 2 Ah rechargeable battery. With the 4 Ah battery you can even achieve 460 feet.

Trumpf TruTool C 250 with Chip Clipper (cordless)

Trumpf TruTool C 250 with Chip Clipper (cordless)

Lose the cord without giving up any power with this 18 volt hand shear that has a Brushless motor allowing it to run without friction for a cool and efficient operation.

Going brushless means no replacement of any carbon brushes.

Weighing in at 5 lbs with a capacity of 12 ga Mild Steel

You can cut up to 230 feet with the 2 Ah rechargeable battery. With the 4 Ah battery you can even achieve 460 feet.