Performance grade Cloth Duct Tape used in the HVAC industry for sealing metal and flex duct work, and patching and mending thermal insulation. Tested in accordance with UL 723.
SH-PC600 has been discountinued. New part number: SH-PC009
Item Codes:
SH-PC600 2″ x 60 Shurtape #PC 600 Silver (24 rolls/case) PC600S #208479
SH-PC600B 2″ x 60 Shurtape #PC 600 Black (24 rolls/case) #200546
SH-PC609 2″ Shurtape PC609 Gray Duct Tape (24 rolls/case)
SH-PC609B 2″ Shurtape PC609 Black Duct Tape (24 rolls/case)
AD9502 2″ x 60 Fasson Gray Duct Tape # 950
AD950B2 2″ x 60 Fasson Black Duct Tape #950
AD9552 2″ x 60 Fasson Metallic Duct Tape #955
PC 600