Vicon’s Single Insert Corner machine feeds TDC/TDF stacked Corners down a chute and forward into the ductwork where it crimps the TD flange over itself securing the Corner to the duct. This pneumatic machine comes standard as a 33″ tall table top design but can be ordered as a 26″ tall model for pit installation. The Single Insert machine is ideal for TDC/F Fittings as a compliment to the Dual Insert Corner machine (which is ideal for 56″ tall Straight duct sections). Standard chute is vertical but angled chute is also available.
Price $30,900.00 USD
Inbound Freight: $330.00 USD
(Effective May 2021)
Machine comes with choice of 90 degree or Angled Feed Chute. If not specified, standard is 90 degree. The chutes are easily changed out.