Single Head Corner Insertion Machine

Spec Sheet


Vicon’s Single Insert Corner machine feeds TDC/TDF stacked Corners down a chute and forward into the ductwork where it crimps the TD flange over itself securing the Corner to the duct. This pneumatic machine comes standard as a 33″ tall table top design but can be ordered as a 26″ tall model for pit installation. The Single Insert machine is ideal for TDC/F Fittings as a compliment to the Dual Insert Corner machine (which is ideal for 56″ tall Straight duct sections). Standard chute is vertical but angled chute is also available.

Price $30,900.00 USD

Inbound Freight: $330.00 USD

(Effective May 2021)

Machine comes with choice of 90 degree or Angled Feed Chute. If not specified, standard is 90 degree. The chutes are easily changed out. 

Shown with Table Top, Straight Chute


Shown with Angled Chute